Savings, Checking, & Certificate Rates
To see our Truth-in-Savings – Share Savings and Checking Disclosure.
To see our Truth-in-Savings – Share Certificate Disclosure.
Rates effective 2/17/2025
Savings | Dividend Rate | APY* | Term |
Share Account | % | % | n/a |
IRA Savings | % | % | n/a |
Money Market Share Account ($2,500.00 – $9,999.99) | % | % | n/a |
Money Market Share Account ($10,000.00 – $24,999.99) | % | % | n/a |
Money Market Share Account ($25,000.00 and over) | % | % | n/a |
Youth Share Account | % | % | n/a |
Holiday Club | % | % | n/a |
Vacation Club | % | % | n/a |
The rate and the APY are subject to change. A minimum average daily balance of $100 is required to earn dividends on Regular Share Savings Accounts, IRA Savings Accounts, Vacation Clubs, and Holiday Clubs. A minimum average daily balance of $2,500 is required to earn dividends on Money Market Share Savings Accounts. For Vacation Club Accounts the entire balance will be transferred to another account of your on or after May 1st and the account will remain open. For Holiday Club Accounts the entire balance will be transferred to another account of your on or after October 1st and the account will remain open. You may not make withdrawals from Club Accounts at any other time. Dividends compound monthly. Fees and other conditions may reduce earnings.
Checking | Dividend Rate | APY* | Term |
Premier MoneyPlus Checking Tier I ($1,500 to $9,999.99) | % | % | n/a |
Premier MoneyPlus Checking Tier II ($10,000 to $24,999.99) | % | % | n/a |
Premier MoneyPlus Checking Tier III ($25,000 and over) | % | % | n/a |
The rate and the APY are subject to change. A minimum average daily balance of $1,500 is required to earn dividends on Premier Money Plus Checking Accounts. Dividends compound monthly. Fees and other conditions may reduce earnings.
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 Month Term: $500 minimum investment to open a share certificate and obtain the APY.
Youth Share Certificate: $100 minimum investment to open a share certificate and obtain the APY.
Regular certificate or IRA certificate compounded quarterly except for 6 month term. Minimum investment required to open a regular share certificate or IRA certificate and obtain the APY. Penalty for early withdrawal may reduce earnings. Rates subject to change without notice.
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
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Investment Returns Calculator
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Savings Calculator
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